Behind the scenes

  • Kelly and Chrissie engagement ring with wild card

    We’re not really strangers: Kelly and Chrissie put a ring on it

    Meet Kelly and Chrissie. Their paths crossed on the dating app, Her. They bonded over books, sci-fi, fantasy and their messages quickly turned into essays. This is how their love for strong women, Sailor Moon and the card game, We’re Not Really Strangers, became a proposal that symbolised all they love about each other.

  • I heart NY

    Winning the Etsy Design Award: An inside look at Etsy’s New York HQ

    There I was, thousands of miles from home, standing at the front doors of Etsy HQ in Brooklyn, New York. As part of the Etsy Design Awards, I was about to get an inside view of the world’s biggest online marketplace dedicated specifically to independent artists, designers and makers.

  • Fish ring - tourmaline, white gold and diamond engagement ring

    Spot the fishy secret in this engagement ring!

    I was watching a casual cricket game at Centennial Park and a friend came up and asked me to design an engagement ring for his girlfriend. The requirements were pretty flexible: It should be in white gold, the stone should be green… oh and “can you put a fish on it?”